
We’re On A Mission To Help You Establish A Strong Presence & Help You Spread Your Wings…

In 2003, we started Eagle Consulting AS with a mission to help businesses establish their digital presence so that they can haul in massive profits.

And so far, we have helped several businesses see the light of the day & achieve business goals by leveraging cutthroat marketing strategies that defy competition and lend businesses unique positions online.

The Competencies we have to help you Transform Your Digital Presence and Positively Impact Your Bottom Line

How do we ensure we nail it with perfection every time we take on the project?

We first get a hang of your goals and aspiration. Based on that, we map out a cohesive marketing strategy that includes everything your business needs to grow by leaps and bounds.

So, if you want your business to break past a certain profit threshold to grow, contact us through email: contact@eagleconsulting.no or contact us on WhatsApp Bergen – +47 482 41 991 or Dubai +971 52 986 7617

Need a professional marketing consultation? Let's discuss your case!

The people behind Eagle Consulting

Rabah Derradji

Founder - CEO

Marie Aase

Founder - COO

In the agency world, no one is better off alone.

We believe that the agencies of the future will be the ones that connect different strategic partners and that build a culture of collaborating across diverse disciplines.

We have associated partners from various national and international operators. With these partners, we can offer our customers a forward-looking network model, expertise and digital solutions that give our customers unique opportunities in the battle for market share and growth.

We would love to tell you more about how we work with our partners and how you can benefit from this network. No task is too big. No task is too small.

Get In Touch


Bergen, Noway: +47 403 44 541


Bergen, Norway


contact (att) eagleconsulting (dot) no

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